Saturday, September 22, 2012

Reflections upon the Class Reading for Journal # 3-5

    Promethus, Physiognomy, Hubris. Words that I'd never heard of but within Frankenstein, much of it is followed. Victor creates his monster in Chapter 5. Chapter 3 was a passing chapter describing Victor's excessive pride known as Hubris. Through this pride Victor creates a yellow skin, gigantic, 8ft high , straight black lip, watery eye creature. Victor is disgusted and  ashamed that his studies and shame lead him to this. Victor judges his monster by his physiognomy. You can relate both Victor and his monster in many ways. First Victor's monster's physiognomy is similar to Victor's character and personality. Second, Victor's monster's tall height dsecribes Victor's dignified manner.
    Promethus was a champion king of human kind. He cared for his people and wanted the best for them. Which is why he stole fire from Zeus and brought it to earth. That's why Zeus was filled with rage over what Promethus had done. Similar to Victor Frankenstein he wished to do great work. This is where he fails because he intended to bring something good and something he was proud to make. He fails to do his duty as a creator and father. Anyway, he was tormented and haunted. He is plagued by his creation leading him to depression and leaving that creature, leading the death of William but of his fault.