Monday, October 1, 2012

How a Passing Stranger Taught me a LIfe Lesson

I couldn't name the many people I've met on the streets after walking to bus routes and loading in DART trains. Nonetheless these type of people are the ones that teach you the very unexpected lessons in life.
I met a random 30 year old man walking to the train a month ago and he sat beside me at the train station. He asked me "How are you?" Yeah a very simple greeting. Did I respond? Of course. "Very well, just trying to make to today a better day." And he starts talking to me about his life story. I don't mention my life story ever. This is a stranger who I have no clue of his personal background. Who know, he could be the murderer or a thief or some kind of robber. He did label himself a bartender, a construction worker and out of jail for drinking and driving. He told me that it's essential that I take every day like if it were the last. He told me life is time to not waste! It's time to be thankful and believe in God and be grateful.
Through this man, my faith turned into to its full capacity. I believe God has a plan for all of us in life. He knows what's good and what's bad. I believe he has a precious journey ahead of us. He taught me that the world is a plave where you get caught in the media and that the only escape is God. God is not media, he is peace you need in your life.

Through that I've been able to focus more at school. I've been able to lend all my stress to God. I believe in him and I've been able to keep up with good grades. I know there's so much more to look up for and I believe strangers teach lessons.

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful testimony you have shared with us, Erica. This story is very inspirational not only to me, but to those who may not know God too and what His plans are for each of us. Amen and Amen.
