Sunday, October 28, 2012

Reflections upon Chapters 18- 20 in Frankenstein

Victor Frankenstein uses words such as "omen" and "fate" throughtout the novel to show foreshadow Henry's death that will ultimately happen.
Numerous quotes show this foreshadowing of Henry's death,
“One man's life or death were but a small price to pay for the acquirement of the knowledge which I sought, for the dominion I should acquire and transmit over the elemental foes of our race.” This describes Victor’s pursuit for knowledge at all times and foreshadows the disastrous, bad consequences to happen.
"The storm that was even then hanging in the stars" when Victor feel blames his experiences on fate.
Really you can see Victor feels helpless and down. You can tell through his word choices that Henry's death has changed him.
Foreshadowing in Chapters 18- 20 when Henry Clerval enjoy his precious time in the beauty of nature which foreshadows his death.

Such when Chapter 22 foreshadows Elizabeth's death...

Monday, October 22, 2012

Similarities and Differences between God and Victor from Paradise Lost and Frankenstein

Victor and God are both similar and different in many ways. Both are creators of new life. They are different in cases where in Frankenstein Victor's family s well known in Genevese. Victor's parents are kind and similar to the entrance Milton portrays the Garden of Eden before Satan enters. There was happiness and kindness and filled with love. Like Victor used to be! Victor is the creator of the monster and God is the creator of Adam, Eden, and Satan.
They, God and Victor, let their creations go on too long.
Victor is digusted with his own creation same as God's disgust with Satan't pride.
Also, like Adam, Victor wants a companion and wants to get married with Elizabeth.
Victor's story is similar to the book of Genesis in the Bible.
Frankenstein is a book between Good and Evil just like "Paradise Lost".
I think God and Victor are different as well. God starts Adam by living in a prosperous place, guiding him through the way but Victor rejected his monster and did not want to know anymore of him because of how disgusting he was. God is nice and Victor is mean.
Victor and God don't give second chances.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Reflections on Chapters 1-2 of Frankenstein!

The romantics believed that it was an individual and their visual imaginations that would create a new understanding of the world.
In Chapters 1-2, Classism stresses beauty, imagination, emotion and individualism.
"Her hair was the brightest living gold, and despite the poverty of her clothing, seemed to set a crown of distinction on her head. Her brow was clear and ample, her blue eyes cloudless, and her lips and the moulding of her face so expressive of sensibility and sweetness that none could behold her without looking on her as of a distinct species, a being heaven-sent, and bearing a celestial stamp in all her features." Elizabeth is stressed in Chapter 1 for her beauty and uniqueness. She was the daughter of a Milanese nobleman. Her mother was a Ferman and had died on giving her birth. Elizabeth is defined by her attractiveness. Elizabeth is like Mary Shelly herself. She cares for others, sweet and nice, and  goes through a lot but doesn't let it affect other people.
She is within a  great character that reflects classism, at least one of the few that are mentioned in Frankenstein.
A romantic character such as Victor Frankenstein marries Elizabeth. His personality is important to the novel because it shows that he uses his imagination to enlighten people, especially Elizabeth. There's Romanticism emphasized towards Elizabeth at the end of Chapter 1.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Reflections around Chapters 9-10 on Frankenstein and the Ancien Mariner

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner was a poem entitled of a Wedding Guest confronted by an ancient mariner who tells a chilling tale about his expedition to the South Pole with his sailors where he shot down the Albatross. This was an innocent and peaceful Albatross. The Albatross was a symbol nature and purity. He then doomed himself to an existence  in which he must travel the land eternally telling this ghastly story. In Mary Shelly's story of Frankenstein, Victor is plagued by his monster and is ashamed of what he's done through his college career. The trespassing of God in the thirst of knowledge is shared between these stories. There is also a typical PHYSICAL similarity in both of these tales. There's the involvement of the South Pole, Frankenstein begins his letters of Watson who was also an Antartic mariner. Watson goes through the same troubles as the Ancient Mariner did when he shot the Albatross. Both of these stories have this symbolic nature of the antartic continent because it symbolizes a desolate and stripped place.
Each story provides allegory in contradicting God and nature. For example the Albatross. The Albatross were leading the sailors to a good place but the mariner shot him. Yes it was sinful and yes the Albatross was a symbol of hope and purity. The mariner's severe punishment contradicts to Adam and Even when they weren't to eat the apple but they did and the the doors to sin were open. In Frankenstein, Victor overstepped and realized too late that the knowledge he seeked was not meant for man.

Similarities Author and Creation in Mary Shelly's Frankenstein

Mary Shelly wrote Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus (as talked about in class) at the age of 18. Eighteen years old is a formative age. Eighteen years is best described as the Adolescent Development Age. In her famous novel, Shelly infuses the "creature" with her own adolescent issues. She WAS before Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin. Frankenstein was her so what journal entry everyday of her life. Through Frankenstein's creature she would write about her personal issues such as the loss of her mother to the estrangement of her father and the general uncomfortable biological family. She had a difficult time navigating her way through Godwin the adolescent to Shelly the adult. With the introduction of a replacement mother, Shelly emotionally lost her mother and father and later used this in Frankenstein to distinguish social isolation. The creature was abandoned right at birth just like Shelly was. Shelly and the creature both find themselves lost in the world.
Mary Shelly and the creature find themselves outsider in their own socities. But through this she shows that her adolescent age was backed up through family stress and incredible cruel expression and rejections. Just as mentioned in Chapters 13- 14. Adolescence find the world to be crucial and mean and arrogant. I mean at least that is how I used to look at the world in my own eyes. Though this is the sign of raging hormones and growth spurt, adolescence get through it soon just like Shelly did.
Darwin's Evolutionary Theory and Freud's psychodynamic theory believed that adolescence was a shift of ancestors through being primitive to civilzed human beings.

Monday, October 1, 2012

How a Passing Stranger Taught me a LIfe Lesson

I couldn't name the many people I've met on the streets after walking to bus routes and loading in DART trains. Nonetheless these type of people are the ones that teach you the very unexpected lessons in life.
I met a random 30 year old man walking to the train a month ago and he sat beside me at the train station. He asked me "How are you?" Yeah a very simple greeting. Did I respond? Of course. "Very well, just trying to make to today a better day." And he starts talking to me about his life story. I don't mention my life story ever. This is a stranger who I have no clue of his personal background. Who know, he could be the murderer or a thief or some kind of robber. He did label himself a bartender, a construction worker and out of jail for drinking and driving. He told me that it's essential that I take every day like if it were the last. He told me life is time to not waste! It's time to be thankful and believe in God and be grateful.
Through this man, my faith turned into to its full capacity. I believe God has a plan for all of us in life. He knows what's good and what's bad. I believe he has a precious journey ahead of us. He taught me that the world is a plave where you get caught in the media and that the only escape is God. God is not media, he is peace you need in your life.

Through that I've been able to focus more at school. I've been able to lend all my stress to God. I believe in him and I've been able to keep up with good grades. I know there's so much more to look up for and I believe strangers teach lessons.