Monday, October 22, 2012

Similarities and Differences between God and Victor from Paradise Lost and Frankenstein

Victor and God are both similar and different in many ways. Both are creators of new life. They are different in cases where in Frankenstein Victor's family s well known in Genevese. Victor's parents are kind and similar to the entrance Milton portrays the Garden of Eden before Satan enters. There was happiness and kindness and filled with love. Like Victor used to be! Victor is the creator of the monster and God is the creator of Adam, Eden, and Satan.
They, God and Victor, let their creations go on too long.
Victor is digusted with his own creation same as God's disgust with Satan't pride.
Also, like Adam, Victor wants a companion and wants to get married with Elizabeth.
Victor's story is similar to the book of Genesis in the Bible.
Frankenstein is a book between Good and Evil just like "Paradise Lost".
I think God and Victor are different as well. God starts Adam by living in a prosperous place, guiding him through the way but Victor rejected his monster and did not want to know anymore of him because of how disgusting he was. God is nice and Victor is mean.
Victor and God don't give second chances.

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