Saturday, October 13, 2012

Reflections around Chapters 9-10 on Frankenstein and the Ancien Mariner

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner was a poem entitled of a Wedding Guest confronted by an ancient mariner who tells a chilling tale about his expedition to the South Pole with his sailors where he shot down the Albatross. This was an innocent and peaceful Albatross. The Albatross was a symbol nature and purity. He then doomed himself to an existence  in which he must travel the land eternally telling this ghastly story. In Mary Shelly's story of Frankenstein, Victor is plagued by his monster and is ashamed of what he's done through his college career. The trespassing of God in the thirst of knowledge is shared between these stories. There is also a typical PHYSICAL similarity in both of these tales. There's the involvement of the South Pole, Frankenstein begins his letters of Watson who was also an Antartic mariner. Watson goes through the same troubles as the Ancient Mariner did when he shot the Albatross. Both of these stories have this symbolic nature of the antartic continent because it symbolizes a desolate and stripped place.
Each story provides allegory in contradicting God and nature. For example the Albatross. The Albatross were leading the sailors to a good place but the mariner shot him. Yes it was sinful and yes the Albatross was a symbol of hope and purity. The mariner's severe punishment contradicts to Adam and Even when they weren't to eat the apple but they did and the the doors to sin were open. In Frankenstein, Victor overstepped and realized too late that the knowledge he seeked was not meant for man.

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