Saturday, October 13, 2012

Similarities Author and Creation in Mary Shelly's Frankenstein

Mary Shelly wrote Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus (as talked about in class) at the age of 18. Eighteen years old is a formative age. Eighteen years is best described as the Adolescent Development Age. In her famous novel, Shelly infuses the "creature" with her own adolescent issues. She WAS before Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin. Frankenstein was her so what journal entry everyday of her life. Through Frankenstein's creature she would write about her personal issues such as the loss of her mother to the estrangement of her father and the general uncomfortable biological family. She had a difficult time navigating her way through Godwin the adolescent to Shelly the adult. With the introduction of a replacement mother, Shelly emotionally lost her mother and father and later used this in Frankenstein to distinguish social isolation. The creature was abandoned right at birth just like Shelly was. Shelly and the creature both find themselves lost in the world.
Mary Shelly and the creature find themselves outsider in their own socities. But through this she shows that her adolescent age was backed up through family stress and incredible cruel expression and rejections. Just as mentioned in Chapters 13- 14. Adolescence find the world to be crucial and mean and arrogant. I mean at least that is how I used to look at the world in my own eyes. Though this is the sign of raging hormones and growth spurt, adolescence get through it soon just like Shelly did.
Darwin's Evolutionary Theory and Freud's psychodynamic theory believed that adolescence was a shift of ancestors through being primitive to civilzed human beings.

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